Diplomats particularly cautioned against public viewing areas in Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich.
"At a minimum, post-game celebrations will likely result in traffic congestion in larger cities," read the embassy statement. "Crowds celebrating previous German and/or Turkish victories have blocked streets and rocked vehicles attempting to pass through them."
In other words, stay on your toes, or you could get rocked.

"Beer: the cause of and the solution to all of life's problems" -- H. Simpson
The embassy's statement makes downtown Berlin sound a bit like Falluja or the Gaza Strip, but DW-WORLD has learned the potential threats run far deeper.
Many of the viewers at the so-called fan miles, it turns out, are hopped up on a liquid intoxicant known as "beer."
This substance has been known to lead to outbreaks of mirth, loss of equilibrium and unintended and later regretted coupling among users.