Tuesday, October 23, 2007

So nervous

I'm anxiously typing this first post, because we have all visited the blogs of friends that begin and end with the obligatory "i'm just getting started/i wonder what this will be like/this is fun" post.

Additionally, I am quite critical of a lot of blogs. Honestly, I don't like the way people start waxing eloquent and try to adopt the style of Shakespeare on their blogs.

But I'm going to press on through my weird anxiety and do it. For one, I have a few folks around the country and world whom I'd like to keep informed of our little daily goings-ons. Also, my family and I just started a significant life change in that we moved to the city and we hope to raise our family there. It's already been full of challenges, and I'm sure there are more to come. I hope to bring others along in our journey, and perhaps even convince them to join us in our wacky endeavors.

Lastly, I just gotta be me. So I hope to talk about both the significant and insignificant and everything in between. Hopefully, I'll offend just a few, and maybe even encourage more than a few.

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