Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Food For Urban Thought

Something to put in your pipe and toke on a bit:

1. "The country is the place where there are more plants than people, and the city is the place where there are more people than plants, and since God loves people far more than He loves plants, He loves the city more than He loves the country."
--Bill Crispin

2. "Dad, I don't want to live in the country. It doesn't have all the cool parts..." --My son J, while holding my hand and walking down 18th Street on January 13, 2008.


Anonymous said...

i agree w/ j. too bad dayton is part country part city*** sigh.***
hope you guys are well.

Jason Seville said...

Good fodder...

After living in the country for the first 18 years of my life and then in the city for the past 9 years, I have developed somewhat of an affinity for both.

I used to hate the city, but now I love it. J's right - there are lots of "cool parts."

However, when my wife and I vacation, we love to get away out into the country - there are cool parts there, too.

Make sure little J gets out there sometime... would be a shame to think the "cool parts" of this world are Starbucks and Mac stores.

Anyway... just some thoughts.

I heard a CS Lewis quote not long ago that I was reminded of while reading you post. I can't remember the exact wording, but it was something about how it is a shame that people will travel great lengths to stare in awe at mountains and rivers and waterfalls... but they pass by themselves without a second thought.

Anonymous said...

1. "bob's wife makes great chili, and his house is the place where she makes it, and since joe loves bob's wife's chili far more than he loves his wife's chili, he loves bob's wife more than he loves his own."
--Bill Crapin

apples and oranges.