"I see great things in baseball, It will take our people out-of-doors, fill them with oxygen, give them a larger physical stoicism, tend to relieve us from being a nervous, dyspeptic set, repair those losses and be a blessing to us."
"In our sundown perambulations of late, through the outer parts of Brooklyn, we have observed several parties of youngsters playing base, a certain game of ball. Let us go forth awhile and get better air in our lungs. Let us leave our closed rooms. The game of ball is glorious."

--Walt Whitman, Died in Camden, NJ and buried a few miles from where I currently sit
For the next six months there will be something in my day that hasn't been there the past six months. In the words of that other great poet, John Fogerty, "We're born again and there's new grass on the field."
Hi Dan,
I got your name and blog address from a contact at Athletes in Action. I work for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes' Sharing the Victory magazine and was wanting to speak with you about an upcoming story we are doing about China and the Olympics. If you don't mind, could you please email your contact information to cmeyer@fca.org and we can communicate about our vision with this story. Your experiences in China would be tremendous for this story. Thanks for your time and I completely agree with the visions of spring and baseball in the air.
take care, cmeyer
PLAY BALL! 2 hours and 30 minutes....
-Jonathan L
Hi Dan,
It is cmeyer again. I think my email that I sent to your email may have have just went to your "junk email". I replied via my work email and personal email address this afternoon.
Thank you again for your time,
Oh. My. Word. How did we come from the same womb?
Do you think there is baseball in heaven? Seriously.
enjoyed your comment. that's funny....
onto the theological stuff, i do think heaven will have a good amount of things we enjoy on this earth - only without blemish. this may include food, friends/relationships, and perhaps even recreation/sport? i'm certainly not sure on this one, but i don't think the games would be too enjoyable if everyone is perfect. maybe we'll just wait and see...
This is great drama! Will there be baseball in Heaven? Will Dan contact cmeyer to sell out is hombres in China? Dan has a sister? Stay tuned for next week's exciting episode when...
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