Updates, friends, we have updates:
1. The drama of the lottery came down to the reality of 24 spots open with 109 applicants. As the 23rd name was called, I was bummed. However, the last spot went to my boy. I could only smile as one of the greatest struggles with our move to the city (schooling for our lads) was provided for against 1.17% odds. It's a good option, and we are so grateful that we can move forward with a good option "in the bag." What a blessing.

2. Apparantly, Dallas doesn't suck. They beat us like a rented mule and it was not pretty in the stands. I started a "Top 10 Inappropriate Things Yelled At Dallas Fans" list as I sat there, but it's much to salty to put here.
I did, however, very much enjoy the guy behind me who yelled "TASER HIM" every time security ran by to break up a scuffle. 

I'd love to hear the "salty" list - just email me.
As my wife and I watched the game on TV, I had to explain to her why Philly fans were booing on the 2nd play of the game. I'm glad I took the time to explain it to her because she later got a chuckle from the fact that the fans were booing after the Iggles scored on a field goal. Classic.
It sports terms, "That's just Philly fans being Philly fans."
dan on blogger and facebook?!? what's next, myspace??? :)
not on facebook eva, not a chance. just a humble, little blogger.
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