Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Received this email from the church we attended in Boston, Park Street Church. Check this out:

The Protesters are Coming, the Protesters are Coming....

As most of you are aware from Gordon Hugenberger's sermon last Sunday, a protest is planned outside of our church from 8:00 - 8:30 am this Sunday November 4 by the Westboro Baptist Church from Topeka, Kansas. This group has traveled around the United States proclaiming God's judgment on the nation due to cultural and religious acceptance of homosexuality. Most recently they have been in the news because they have been held liable for $11.0 million for disrupting a funeral of a soldier who died in Iraq. One poster had written on it, "God loves dead soldiers." The church's website home page address is That gives you an idea where their heart is. They plan to go from Park Street to several other churches throughout the morning expressing their hatred against those with whom they disagree.

I followed up with a friend who attends Park Street, and it turns out that they didn't show. The entire email quoted above was extremely well written. Made us proud to be Park Streeters, as we are still members there until we start membership classes at our church here in Philly.

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